Cell 75

"even then i had not experienced such full, such heart-rending, such completely filled days, as i did in Cell 75 that summer" -- Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

because you always wanted to know

What an "Atomic Sit up" is:

For those of you who don’t know what an Atomic Sit-up is, it goes like this: Whoever the mark is, you get half the group to say “There’s no way [he] can do an Atomic Sit-Up.” And you get the other half to say, “Of course he can. You can do it [].” This goes on and on for a bit. This is exactly how we got Roby to drink the quart of corn syrup. When the mark finally agrees to attempt to do one, he gets down in the sit-up position. Knees bent, hands behind his head, head on the ground, lying on his back. Then a guy stands behind his head and pins his face down with a shirt. The shirt holds him down and it blindfolds him. Then you pump him up with encouragement and get him to launch his body up to do one sit-up. Of course, it’s impossible and he won’t even be able to get his head off the ground. Then everyone groans and half the group says, “See, I told you” while the other half encourages him to try again. Once he’s in position again and blindfolded, you get a guy to stand over him bare ass. You get the mark all fired up again with words of encouragement. When he launches himself upwards to do that one sit-up on the count of Three, you remove the shirt and he goes face-first hard into someone’s butt. Call it gay if you want, but it’s still hilarious.

The above is from Neil Prakash who tells the whole story here at his blog Armor Geddon

Prakash won the Silver Star for his actions as a tank commander in Iraq. Full story on that here


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