Cell 75

"even then i had not experienced such full, such heart-rending, such completely filled days, as i did in Cell 75 that summer" -- Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

There are some some good posts and comments over at the Shotgun. A blog that really should be a lot busier than it is. Although, you would expect it too be good given that the current election results are a victory of sorts for its readers. The comments to some of the posts are good too, but some are peppered with sour grapes about not getting a majority and the odd Western separatist rears his head, but see Moonbats on parade here for a doozey from Angry. What he forgets is that the primary motivator behind most progressive thought is narcissism. Narcisissists don't like, nor can they fully understand, those who see the world differently than them. The best thing to do with them is talk past them to the people around them who are still capable of listening to reason and try to influence the herd. Otherwise they have to be sidelined

Hat tips from the Shotgun to "Denton's 10 points" here and how primer on how Harper would govern using the power of regulation as opposed to getting statutes passed in the legislature by Occam here

I agree with Denton on Ignatieff and am glad he got elected. By having the Harvard Prof. defend his principled stand on the Iraq war as a Liberal he helps show the peaceniks that not everyone who supports the US presence in Iraq is a war-mongering, neo-con Bush-o-phile. Or just plain stupid. That, in my view, helps mature the debate on this topic and make drains the fever swamps a bit leaving them a little more prone to listen to reason.


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